Wednesday, September 13, 2006


This poor wee soul has a problem that ....makes me mauve with anger....It goes.
annonomus says
pleae help we are a couple of saddos who once had a social life fighting the cause now this is over we miss all our wonderfull nights out i.e. burger king at 2.30am in glasgow is not to be missed, can you please give us some help in some other cause that is looking for a reduntant possie!

Ah my heart goes out to you.
Reading between the lines i can sense that the mere existance of tupperware,makes you retch like a small horse running on a thursday.Me too.It is also apparent that you have an eversion to cheap fast food restaraunt beavers.The solution is simple get yourself a stick and the next time the Beaver pops out,Smak him right between the eyes....Try and get his confidence first by giving him a wee tickle or a big sausage.........Oh do this before you hit him or the other part will be very difficult.Then nick down to the nearest shop and buy some out of date "Shake and Vac" and spread it on next doors weasils ears while cavorting naked in the back garden shouting "I HAVE A SIGNED CELTIC BALL AND IM GONNY TAKE IT AFF THAT WUMMIN I GAVE IT TOO AND GIE IT TO PATTAGONY FOR SOLVING MY PROBLEMS....................TRUMPET".
I hope that helps you if not rub your leggs with vim and dress as a clown while firing ping pong balls out of your @;,ff ,HongKong style into the assembled leadership of you local councils education Department who have been smothered in jam , sand and jaunty hats.
I BET THAT WORKS.......Especially the football thing.....Ill swap it for a signed Niel Lennon Book.......
OR Just setup a wee night oot for the goodguys and no invites to the bad guys......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks pat but i dont want a neil lennon book agoodnight out is on the cards

Anonymous Anonymous said...

im the other half of the two saddos
who is the one that cleans the concentration camp now the old barracks is closed thanks for the advice could you please bring me some vim the next time you are in tesco or if this is not poss. a night out will have to do, one problem though im not very good at aiming with ping pong balls ill have to get the beaver to do it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like someone got the big elbow from one half of the two saddos,could see that comming a mile off

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am the othere half of the two saddos and i havent been given the elbow not yet

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am the othere half of the two saddos and i havent been given the elbow not yet

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ill go for a we nite oot any takers we can call it a pre santa and then we can have a santan ite oot

Anonymous Anonymous said...

my friend at work wants to know why her bellybutton stinks. she said that when she inserted her finger in2 it and pulled it out her finger was green and cheesy.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

can any1 please tell me where to meet young, fit, gorgeous gentlemen with BIG schlongs???


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